My Writings. My Thoughts.

What Is Optifast?

At » 10:48 PM // 2 Comments »
Maybe you've heard of Optifast, but you're not quite sure exactly what it is. Maybe you stumbled upon this blog looking for dieting information. In either case, I'll explain the nitty gritty here. There are two types of Optifast. The most common version is called Optifast 800, and is the only available option at most clinics. The other type is called Optifast 70, and is available at only one clinic in the country that I am aware...

A New Blog For A New Me

At » 6:51 PM // 0 Comments »
Let me start with a bit of house cleaning. If you are reading this post, it is a bit of a miracle. Obviously, the blog is under construction and I doubt Google will index it any time soon. The reason I started this blog is because there is very little information about Optifast out there. When you Google "Optifast," you pretty much get the main website and thats it. While does provide useful information, it doesn't...

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